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4 Days Best of Lhasa Tour with Ganden MonasteryEnquiry

Travel to Tibet to experience the highlights of exotic Lhasa. This tour includes Ganden Monastery which is located at an altitude of 4,500 metres.


Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkor Street, Ganden Monastery, Sera Monastery




Itinerary Day By Day

Day 1 – Arrival in Lhasa

Lhasa is the capital of Tibet and is located at an altitude of 3,650 metres. Because of its remoteness it has long been a ‘must see’ place for adventurous travellers. It has over 1300 years of cultural and spiritual history and is a centre for Tibetan and Buddhist culture in China.

Upon arrival at Gongkar Airport you will be met by your local guide and driver. The airport is located 70 kilometres from Lhasa so you will have the opportunity to enjoy some magnificent scenery on the way to your hotel. The remainder of the day is for relaxing and acclimatizing to the altitude. Drink plenty of water and don’t overexert yourself.

Overnight in Lhasa. (3658m)

Meals: No meals provided

Day 2 – Lhasa

Attractions: Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street

No tour to Lhasa is complete without visiting the Potala Palace and that is where your tour will begin today. The Potala Palace is one of world’s most famous buildings and it is an impressive sight as it towers above Lhasa. The Red Palace contains various chapels and mausoleums for previous Dalai Lamas while the White Palace was the living quarters for successive Dalai Lamas and their tutors. Altogether it is a vast awe inspiring maze of corridors and rooms full of articles pertaining to Tibetan history, religion, culture and arts.

The Jokhang Temple is Tibet’s spiritual centre and the ultimate pilgrimage destination for Tibetan Buddhists. It was originally built in 647AD and has been added to over the years making it a mix of Han, Tibetan and Nepalese architectural styles. You will see many pilgrims prostrating themselves at the entrance.

Finish your day with a lap around the Barkor Street ‘kora’ or pilgrim circuit. It is a photographer’s paradise with marvellous wares for sale to crowds of exotically dressed pilgrims. Spiritual souvenirs and pilgrim accessories line the circuit and you can buy anything Tibetan from yak butter to prayer flags and turquoise jewellery. It is a place you can return to again and again for continually changing experiences. Out of respect for the pilgrims you should always move in a clockwise direction.

Meals: Breakfast at your hotel

Day 3 – Lhasa

Attractions: Ganden Monastery, Sera Monastery

Fifty kilometres from Lhasa, Ganden Monastery is the largest of the Buddhist Gelupa sect and is three times the size of the Potala Palace. It is located at an altitude of 4,500 metres and offers a fabulous view of the Kyi Chu Valley. One of the highlights of your visit will be the chance to walk the hour long pilgrimage route. Aside from the amazing views you will learn about the Tibetan culture and religion as you pass prayer flags and rock faces rubbed with yak butter offerings.

Your tour of Lhasa concludes at the magnificent Sera Monastery. The main attraction here is watching the debating monks. Every afternoon between 3.00pm and 5.00pm (except Mondays) there is a debate about Buddhist doctrines in the shady courtyard behind the main temple. The red robed monks gather in small groups to practice their debating skills in a very dynamic and lively manner. Tourists are welcome to watch quietly and respectfully from the edges.

Optional program: In the evening, your guide can take you to enjoy a local Tibetan performance

Meals: Breakfast at your hotel

Day Four – Depart Lhasa

Today you will have some free time in the morning before being transferred to the airport for your flight to your next destination.

Meals: Breakfast at your hotel
